When Friends Feel Like Family
What a blessed girl I am to have not one...not two.... but THREE wonderful families! Adoption is indeed a beautiful thing and this trip, I was blessed to spend a lot of time with and even be a part of some special celebrations and life events in both of the Guatemalan families who have taken me in and treated me like their own. The first few days of the Fall 2016 trip, I was in Guatemala City with my "familia Muñoz." Lesly and I took the bus to the market to buy fish for dinner, ate black corn, and acted crazy. Back "home," we walked to some nearby shopping (without considering that we were now on foot) and bought almost more than we could wag back to the house.
Sweet Surprise...
A couple of crazies enjoying coffee and tres leche cake which, knowing how much I like it, Lesly had bought ahead of time as a surprise!
Lesly made a yummy fish dinner. Some family came, and we had a little fun styling a special plate for Julio while we waited for him to arrive home from work!
Way to go Jobita! After completing courses at the hospital where she works, Jobita earned her degree and was honored in a ceremony held there at the hospital (with its beautiful views of the city). What a privilege to be part of this very special day.
Just call me "Keen"!
In Spanish, my name is pronounced "Keem," so we had a lot of fun over Jobita's addressing of my invitation. (Not only the Spanish spelling but also MISspelling!)
I was excited to be in Guatemala on International Coffee Day and have the opportunity to attend the festivities at Anacafé, the big coffee school in Guatemala City. La Fábrica had a booth and was well represented with Josue competing in the latte art competion and Zach serving as one of the judges. Afterwards, there was a big party with live music; then the three of us were on the way to Monjas!
La Fábrica... new project this trip was making giant cookies and donuts!!
The guys were much more creative donut makers than I was. After I left, they did a lot of embellishing and sent this mouthwatering picture of their enhancemants.
Practicing latte art with water, soap and coffee grounds. My inability to pour pretty lattes is a running joke which would be much funnier if it wasn't so sad!
Ali and Kim go visiting... Fun times with former neighbors!
At the house of a gentleman who raises fish on his property and grills them on his huge grill. Customers bring everything else they need and enjoy lunch in the open air. I took chocolate chip cookies; Walfred went out to buy tortillas (which he calls "corn discs!) and Roxana grilled green onions. After we ate, the owner gave us a tour. Interesting, fun.... and DELICIOUS!
Enjoying visits with a couple of our scholarship students.
Our most recent scholarship recipient, Guillermo, traveled 3 hours by bus to Monjas and 3 hours back home so that we could have the opportunity to meet each other and visit for awhile. Before coming to the ENRO school, Guillermo was going to work at 5 am, attending school for a few hours, then working again in the afternoons. Depending on whether he had homework to do at night, he slept up to 7 hours before starting over. By coming to the ENRO school in Monjas he was able to live on campus and have more time to focus on his studies during the week, but each weekend he made the long trip home and back so that he could work. He was selected for our scholarship program because of his demonstrated excellence in character, work ethic, and academic achievement. He began college in January 2017, is doing well in his studies, and plans to obtain a degree in Systems Engineering.
Allowing a visiting gringa to use your washing machine. Then there is "Mama Carroll" friendship....hanging up all of said gringa's laundry to dry and returning it all nicely folded. There has to be a really special word for that!
Celebrating with the Ortiz family
It was kindergarten graduation for Andrea and Josue. Both of them were recognized for Bible memory work, and Josue was was chosen by his classmates to receive the "best friend" award. Roxana's mother and a couple of cousins completed our party and, after the ceremony... well, we did what one does after kindergarten graduation.... we went for pizza!!
My friend, Sonia, works for a nonprofit organization that provides social, educational and environmental services and programs to help women. One of her co-workers gave a business class, demonstrating how to make these paper flowers. These arrangements are sold and used for decorations and are especially popular for the "Day of the Dead," a holiday during which people pay visits to the cemetery to honor and decorate the graves of their loved ones.
Beautiful Memories, Beautiful Place, Beautiful People... Until next time