Joseph is in Egypt having been sold to the captain of Pharaoh’s guard, and by the grace of God, he’s done quite well for himself!
With Joseph in charge, Potiphar’s reaping the benefit of the Lord’s blessings, too - in a big way!
…with Joseph in charge, he did not concern himself with anything except the food he ate. Genesis 39:6
Nothing to worry about but his food! Can you imagine?!
Maybe Potiphar should have worried a little more about his wife, however, because she eventually takes notice of the “well-built and handsome” Joseph and invites him into her bed…
This wasn’t a half-hearted protest which left the door open to future possibility; this was a FIRM NO … repeated in the face of advances made day after day.
I’m sure Joseph was wise enough to consider the consequences, but his refusal to betray Potiphar wasn’t based on fear of being discovered.
Had Potiphar treated Joseph well enough to inspire such devotion? I don’t know; it didn’t matter. Joseph’s faithfulness wasn't about his relationship with Potiphar.
It was about his relationship with GOD.
Integrity. It’s the reason we are faithful in any area of life. It’s what makes us honest employees, trustworthy friends, loyal spouses, and responsible parents - even when those we love most are getting on our last nerve!
When those around us don’t inspire the best that is within us...
the One above us does.
Joseph was so serious about protecting his honor that he refused even to be alone with Potiphar’s wife.
How’s that for not giving satan even so much as a foothold?!
One day, the unscrupulous Mrs. Potiphar got just the opportunity she needed when Joseph came to work and all of the household servants happened to be out of the house. Seizing the moment, she grabbed his cloak. “Come to bed with me,” she said.
Now Joseph didn’t stand around searching for a tactful way to say no … He RAN out of that house leaving her there with the cloak!
Joseph’s decency and diligence challenge me to examine my own attitudes.
In the quest to undermine our character, satan loves to discover within us either a casualness about temptation or arrogance that has us convinced us we can dabble with disaster and keep it from spiraling out of control.
Either of these attitudes on the part of Joseph would have made him easy prey.
But Joseph wasn’t casual when it came to his allegiance to God. Not at all. And he ensured things didn’t go too far by making sure they didn’t go at all.
His temptress, unfortunately, was not only shameless; she was vicious. Turning the tables, she accuses Joseph of assault - using his cloak as evidence.
Poor Joseph. He's gone to a lot of trouble doing the right thing instead of the easy one. Now he's in jail.
Joseph could have dwelt upon the unfairness of the situation; he could have resented his efforts to take the high road - wondering if they had been worth it at all. He could have felt betrayed, even abandoned by God.
I'm afraid I would have. But Joseph?
I can see him choosing instead to dwell upon God’s faithfulness and rejoicing that he’d managed to maintain his own. It’s easy to believe he found courage knowing that-
If there WERE a situation too hopeless for God to redeem, it would have to be worse than being sold into slavery by his brothers AND WORSE than being a falsely accused slave, imprisoned in a foreign land.
Things look a bit grim at the moment, but if Joseph's past is any indication, God is in no way finished with him-not even close!
Here’s to integrity and the rewards God has in store for those who are faithful to Him.
Blessings until next time, Kim