TOUCH! It’s a basic human need; it makes us feel real, warm, and connected, and it’s easy to take for granted. At least it is when we live in nurturing environments, surrounded by loving friends and family. But some folks don't live in loving families. Some folks don’t live in any family at all.
Earlier this year, Clowns on a Mission came to Guatemala and spread cheer, among other places, at our local nursing home. Living conditions there are extremely basic and even resources (food, medications, etc.) are too limited.
Sadly, the majority of residents are there because they've been abandoned by family and have no place else to go. Can you imagine what it would be like to never experience the touch of another person aside from a caregiver?
I was amazed as I watched how easy it was to bring a smile to the faces of these precious “abueleos” (grandparents). A simple hug, paper flower, or gentle touch was all it took to lift a spirit that longed for a moment of kindness and connection…. even if just for a moment.
In addition to the nursing home, the clowns also ministered to and embraced (literally) residents of the town dump which is “home” to a community of people.

Reflecting on the impact of a single touch, I can’t help thinking of Jesus. The Bible tells stories about Him touching all kinds of people..... rich people, poor people, "righteous" and "sinners," the handicapped, the sick, the disabled, and the different…. but there are none more powerful than the story of extreme compassion exemplified in Matthew 8.
For all we don’t know, what we do know is this man had a terrifying infectious disease that caused its victims to be not only physically banished from society but also socially stigmatized and considered spiritually “cursed.” As it progressed, the devastation could include any number of horrific physical disfigurements.
I hope I'd have been compassionate enough to pray with him, but I'm certain I wouldn't have touched the leper! If the stigma aspect didn’t stop me, the infectious part definitely would have.
And Jesus didn’t have to touch him; He healed plenty of people with only a word. Why did He choose to touch this one?
Whatever the reason, I'm positive this poor man needed it.
I don't expect either of us will encounter any lepers today but if Jesus could touch this one, shouldn't we be open to seeing those who might need a loving touch (be it a hug or just a handshake or a pat on the back) more than anybody … and being willing to provide it?
A Note of Follow-Up:
That visit from Clowns on a Mission started something! We have adopted the abuelos as part of our regular local ministry with the implementation of a monthly lunch delivery.
We also enjoy popping in from time to time to pass out snacks, hugs, and kind words. We’ve shared praise services, touching conversations and even moments of silliness as we’ve snapped selfies and giggled like teenagers.
Hopefully, we can lift a spirit or two along the way.
Blessings until next time, Kim