Believing in People


One thing we all have in common is the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of other people. And, whether it be for better or worse, we WILL make a difference, because attitude is greatly influenced by association.

I like what Jim Rohn said: "Some people you can afford to spend a few minutes with but not a few hours." How true!

The turning point of our lives often comes at the encouragement of someone who believed in us, who took the time and maybe even the risk to give part of himself. As John Powell points out in his excellent little book, Fully Human, Fully Alive, there are two kinds of people we meet throughout life- those who feel obligated to warn us of all the things that can go wrong (“wait till you" and "take it from me”) and those who cheer us on with confidence. 

A Champion Affirmer: 

The Joseph of Acts 4 is better known by his "nickname" Barnabas (meaning Son of Encouragement). He's the one who took a newly converted Saul (formerly a huge enemy to Christ's followers) to the apostles and spoke up for him when the Jerusalem disciples were understandably leery and afraid of him.

He's also the one in Acts 15 who gave John Mark a second chance when it was mission trip planning time.  Paul saw John Mark's past. (He had deserted them on a former trip.) Barnabus saw John Mark's potential... so much so that he ended up parting company with Paul and heading withJohn Mark in one direction while Paul and his new partner set out in another.

I once heard a gentleman comment, "People loved me for what I am and what I could be instead of focusing on what I used to be." 

_Real friends are those who, when you feel you've made a fool of yourself, don't feel you've done a.jpg

Isn't that great?

Doesn't everyone need a second chance friend? (If you're like me maybe a third and fourth one too!) 

Don't we all need someone to see great things in our future and to believe the best about us... especially during those times we can't find that belief in ourselves?

What a blessing to be believed in.... and  what a blessing to BELIEVE!


Coming Up:  Becoming a Believer in People